Results for 'Frederick Philip Harris'

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  1. Proceedings and addresses.Frederick Philip Harris (ed.) - 1950 - Cleveland,: Cleveland.
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    The neo-idealist political theory.Frederick Philip Harris - 1944 - New York,: King's Crown Press.
    Investigates the Neo-idealists or Neo-Hegelians who became important in British thought around 1870 and were influential for about a half century. Focuses on how their social philosophy exhibited a fundamental continuity with British liberal thought from the time of Locke.
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  3. Life and Writings of Frederick Douglass, Vol. IV.Frederick Douglass & Philip S. Foner - 1955 - Science and Society 19 (3):278-280.
  4. The Life and Writings of Frederick Douglass.Frederick Douglass & Philip S. Foner - 1951 - Science and Society 15 (4):351-354.
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    Our economic morality & the ethic of Jesus.Harry Frederick Ward - 1929 - New York,: The Macmillan company.
    Relates the amusing holiday misadventures of Zelda Hammersmith, whose good intentions only lead to trouble.
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    Shock-right discrimination training: Effect of correction training with an enforced delay following an incorrect choice.Philip F. Spelt & Harry Fowler - 1969 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 79 (3p1):504.
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  7. Socializing Metaphysics: The Nature of Social Reality.Frederick F. Schmitt, Gary Ebbs, Margaret Gilbert, Sally Haslanger, Kevin Kimble, Ron Mallon, Seumas Miller, Philip Pettit, Abraham Sesshu Roth, John Searle, Raimo Tuomela & Edward Witherspoon - 2003 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers. Edited by Frederick F. Schmitt.
    Socializing Metaphysics supplies diverse answers to the basic questions of social metaphysics, from a broad array of voices. It will interest all philosophers and social scientists concerned with mind, action, or the foundations of social theory.
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    From the age of immanence to the autonomy of the political: (Post)operaismo in theory and practice.Frederick Harry Pitts - forthcoming - Philosophy and Social Criticism.
    This article critically examines the transition from Marx to Spinoza within Antonio Negri’s postoperaist thought and explores a potential alternative rooted in Mario Tronti’s concept of the ‘autonomy of the political’. In Negri’s postoperaismo, the embrace of Spinoza reevaluates Marx’s critique of political economy through an optimistic lens, suggesting a tendency beyond capitalism. However, Negri’s embrace of a Spinozian plane of immanence entails a problematic affirmation of what exists. The article argues that Negri’s worldview, despite its beginnings, ends up resembling (...)
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  9. Dialectic and Contemporary Science: Essays In Honor of Errol E. Harris.Philip T. Grier Harris - 1989
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    On the inhibitory effect of a second stimulus following the primary stimulus to react: A successful replication.Frederick L. Kitterle & Harry Helson - 1972 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 96 (1):138.
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    Ecological and phenomenological contributions to the psychology of perception.Philip A. Glotzbach & Harry Heft - 1982 - Noûs 16 (1):108-121.
  12. Political psychology in the digital (mis)information age: a model of news belief and sharing.Jay Van Bavel, Elizabeth Harris, Philip Pärnamets, Steve Rathje, Kimberly Doell & Joshua Tucker - 2021 - Social Issues and Policy Review 15 (1):84–113.
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    Kant's Critique of Pure Reason: Critical Essays.Harry Allison, Karl Ameriks, Lewis White Beck, Lorne Falkenstein, Paul Guyer, Philip Kitcher, Charles Parsons, P. F. Strawson & Allen W. Wood - 1998 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    The central project of the Critique of Pure Reason is to answer two sets of questions: What can we know and how can we know it? and What can't we know and why can't we know it? The essays in this collection are intended to help students read the Critique of Pure Reason with a greater understanding of its central themes and arguments, and with some awareness of important lines of criticism of those themes and arguments.
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    IPAs and Per Se Rules: Arizona v. Maricopa County Medical Society.Harry Philip Cohen - 1981 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 9 (5):8-12.
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    The Aftermath of Maricopa.Harry Philip Cohen & Linda V. Tiano - 1982 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 10 (4):248-253.
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    A Framework for the Testing and Validation of Simulated Environments in Experimentation and Training.David J. Harris, Jonathan M. Bird, Philip A. Smart, Mark R. Wilson & Samuel J. Vine - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    The Teaching of Philosophy.Frederick P. Harris - 1952 - Philosophical Review 61 (1):128-129.
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    The role of generalizability in moral and political psychology.Elizabeth A. Harris, Philip Pärnamets, William J. Brady, Claire E. Robertson & Jay J. Van Bavel - 2022 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 45:e19.
    The aim of the social and behavioral sciences is to understand human behavior across a wide array of contexts. Our theories often make sweeping claims about human nature, assuming that our ancestors or offspring will be prone to the same biases and preferences. Yet we gloss over the fact that our research is often based in a single temporal context with a limited set of stimuli. Political and moral psychology are domains in which the context and stimuli are likely to (...)
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    Getting ready today for tomorrow's organizations.Philip Harris - 1983 - World Futures 19 (1):47-59.
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    The Sealand of Ancient Arabia.Zellig S. Harris & Raymond Philip Dougherty - 1934 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 54 (1):93.
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  21. Towards responsible use of cognitive-enhancing drugs by the healthy.Henry Greely, Barbara Sahakian, John Harris, Ronald Kessler, Gazzaniga C., Campbell Michael, Farah Philip & J. Martha - 2008 - Nature 456:702-705.
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    Individualism: The Cultural Logic of Modernity.Nancy Armstrong, Deborah Cook, James Cruise, Lisa Eck, Megan Heffernan, David Jenemann, Nigel Joseph, Tom McCall, Lucy McNeece, JoAnne Myers, Julie Orlemanski, Jonathon Penny, Dale Shin, Vivasvan Soni, Frederick Turner & Philip Weinstein (eds.) - 2011 - Lexington Books.
    Individualism: The Cultural Logic of Modernity is an edited collection of sixteen essays on the idea of the modern sovereign individual in the western cultural tradition. Reconsidering the eighteenth-century realist novel, twentieth-century modernism, and underappreciated topics on individualism and literature, this volume provocatively revises and enriches our understanding of individualism as the generative premise of modernity itself.
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    Frederick Buechner.Philip Yancey - 1998 - The Chesterton Review 24 (1/2):181-183.
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    A Critical Look at Harry Stottlemeier's Discovery.Frederick S. Oscanyan - 1976 - Teaching Philosophy 1 (4):447-454.
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    A Worldwide Examination of Exchange Market Quality: Greater Integrity Increases Market Efficiency.Michael J. Aitken, Frederick H. de B. Harris & Shan Ji - 2015 - Journal of Business Ethics 132 (1):147-170.
    We develop a framework for assessing security market quality, relating five elements of market design to three metrics of market integrity and two metrics of market efficiency. We empirically implement this integrity–efficiency MQ framework by testing a hypothesis that trade-based ramping manipulation at the close raises execution costs on 24 security markets worldwide. Estimating a simultaneous equations model of ramping incidence, spreads, and the probability of deploying real-time surveillance, we show that quoted bid-ask spreads are positively related to the incidence (...)
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    World Politics in Modern Civilization. Harry Elmer Barnes.Frederick L. Schuman - 1931 - International Journal of Ethics 41 (3):369-370.
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  27. Philip de Bary: Thomas Reid and Scepticism: His Reliabilist Response.J. A. Harris - 2003 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 11 (1):157-160.
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    Errol E. Harris., Cosmos and Theos.Frederick Sontag - 1994 - International Studies in Philosophy 26 (4):136-137.
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    Market Fairness: The Poor Country Cousin of Market Efficiency.Michael J. Aitken, Angelo Aspris, Sean Foley & Frederick H. de B. Harris - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 147 (1):5-23.
    Both fairness and efficiency are important considerations in market design and regulation, yet many regulators have neither defined nor measured these concepts. We develop an evidencebased policy framework in which these are both defined and measured using a series of empirical proxies. We then build a systems estimation model to examine the 2003–2011 explosive growth in algorithmic trading on the London Stock Exchange and NYSE Euronext Paris. Our results show that greater AT is associated with increased transactional efficiency and reduced (...)
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    Teaching America: The Case for Civic Education.David J. Feith, Seth Andrew, Charles F. Bahmueller, Mark Bauerlein, John M. Bridgeland, Bruce Cole, Alan M. Dershowitz, Mike Feinberg, Senator Bob Graham, Chris Hand, Frederick M. Hess, Eugene Hickok, Michael Kazin, Senator Jon Kyl, Jay P. Lefkowitz, Peter Levine, Harry Lewis, Justice Sandra Day O'Connor, Secretary Rod Paige, Charles N. Quigley, Admiral Mike Ratliff, Glenn Harlan Reynolds, Jason Ross, Andrew J. Rotherham, John R. Thelin & Juan Williams - 2011 - R&L Education.
    This book taps the best American thinkers to answer the essential American question: How do we sustain our experiment in government of, by, and for the people? Authored by an extraordinary and politically diverse roster of public officials, scholars, and educators, these chapters describe our nation's civic education problem, assess its causes, offer an agenda for reform, and explain the high stakes at risk if we fail.
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  31. Responses to 'in defense of relativism'.Robert Ackermann, Brian Baigrie, Harold I. Brown, Michael Cavanaugh, Paul Fox-Strangways, Gonzalo Munevar, Stephen David Ross, Philip Pettit, Paul Roth, Frederick Schmitt, Stephen Turner & Charles Wallis - 1988 - Social Epistemology 2 (3):227 – 261.
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    Letters to the Editor.Sandra Lee Bartky, Marilyn Friedman, William Harper, Alison M. Jaggar, Richard H. Miller, Abigail L. Rosenthal, Naomi Scheman, Nancy Tuana, Steven Yates, Christina Sommers, Philip E. Devine, Harry Deutsch, Michael Kelly & Charles L. Reid - 1992 - Proceedings and Addresses of the American Philosophical Association 65 (7):55 - 90.
  33. Harry Stottlemeier's Discovery.Matthew Lipman, Ann Margaret Sharp & Frederick S. Oscanyan - 1974 - Institute for the Advancement of Philosophy for Children.
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    Collective obituary for James D. Marshall (1937–2021).Michael Peters, Colin Lankshear, Lynda Stone, Paul Smeyers, Linda Tuhiwai Smith, Roger Dale, Graham Hingangaroa Smith, Nesta Devine, Robert Shaw, Bruce Haynes, Denis Philips, Kevin Harris, Marc Depaepe, David Aspin, Richard Smith, Hugh Lauder, Mark Olssen, Nicholas C. Burbules, Peter Roberts, Susan L. Robertson, Ruth Irwin, Susanne Brighouse & Tina Besley - 2021 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 54 (4):331-349.
    Michael A. PetersBeijing Normal UniversityMy deepest condolences to Pepe, Dom and Marcus and to Jim’s grandchildren. Tina and I spent a lot of time at the Marshall family home, often attending dinn...
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    Über das Lachen und Studien über den platonischen Sokrates.Frederick Neumann - 1971 - Den Haag,: M. Nijhoff.
    Es ist mir eine grosse Genugtuung, die vorliegende Sammlung von Ar­ beiten eines Autors einzufuhren, der es verdient hatte, dass seine philo­ sophischen Schriften schon Hingst ihren Weg zum Verleger gefunden hatten. Da Dr. Frederick Neumann aber, nach seiner Auswanderung nach Amerika, seine ganze Zeit seinen Theologiearbeiten in englischer Sprache gewidmet hatte, war es seiner Witwe, Edith Neumann, be­ schieden, dieselben erst nach seinem Tode an wiirdiger Stelle zu ver­ offentlichen. Ich selbst bin die Witwe seines Freundes Philip (...)
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    A Reply to Philip Grier.Errol E. Harris - 1990 - Proceedings of the Hegel Society of America 10:77-84.
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  37. Keith M. Ashman and Philip S. Baringer, eds, After the Science Wars.R. Harris - forthcoming - Radical Philosophy.
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    Dialectic and Contemporary Science: Essays in Honor of Errol E. Harris.Philip T. Grier - 1989 - Upa.
    This volume contains ten original essays by leading philosophers in America, Britain and Europe, all addressed to the dialectical holist philosophical position developed by the contemporary philosopher Errol Harris; it also contains an extensive introduction outlining and defending the general contours of that position. It serves not only as a Festschrift for Professor Harris, but also as a comprehensive, critical exposition of the neo-Hegelian system of philosophical thought for which Harris is widely known, a position which is (...)
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    Review of Harry G. Frankfurt, The Reasons of Love[REVIEW]Philip L. Quinn - 2004 - Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews 2004 (3).
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    Rousseaus Kritik der ökonomischen Ungleichheit.Frederick Neuhouser - 2015 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 63 (2).
    This paper reconstructs Jean-Jacques Rousseau’s position on the limits of legitimate economic inequality as presented in his Second Discourse. It argues that, although Rousseau’s position is egalitarian in that it places severe limits on permissible inequalities, he values economic equality instrumentally, not for its own sake but only as a means for promoting freedom and for securing the social conditions that make recognition, a central component of human well-being, available to all. The paper articulates the conception of freedom at work (...)
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    :Blackness Visible: Essays on Philosophy and Race.Leonard Harris - 2000 - Ethics 110 (2):432-434.
    Charles Mills makes visible in the world of mainstream philosophy some of the crucial issues of the black experience. Ralph Ellison's metaphor of black invisibility has special relevance to philosophy, whose demographic and conceptual "whiteness" has long been a source of wonder and complaint to racial minorities. Mills points out the absence of any philosophical narrative theorizing and detailing race's centrality to the recent history of the West, such as feminists have articulated for gender domination. European expansionism in its various (...)
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    13. The Naturalism of Frederick Woodbridge.Harry Todd Costello - 1944 - In Yervant H. Krikorian (ed.), Naturalism and the Human Spirit. New York,: Columbia University Press. pp. 295-318.
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  43. Two Varieties of White Ignorance.Philip Yaure - 2024 - Journal of Politics 86 (3):920-933.
    The concept of white ignorance refers to phenomena of not-knowing that are produced by and reinforce systems of white supremacist domination and exploitation. I distinguish two varieties of white ignorance, belief-based white ignorance and practice-based white ignorance. Belief-based white ignorance consists in an information deficit about systems of racist oppression. Practice-based white ignorance consists in unresponsiveness to the political agency of persons and groups subject to racist oppression. Drawing on the antebellum political thought of Black abolitionists Frederick Douglass and (...)
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  44. Declaration in Douglass's My Bondage & My Freedom.Philip Yaure - 2020 - American Political Thought 9 (4):513-541.
    In this paper, I develop an account of Frederick Douglass’s use of declaration as an emancipatory mode of political action. An act of declaration compels an audience to acknowledge the declarer as possessing a type of normative standing (e.g. personhood or citizenship). Douglass, through acts of declaration like his Fifth of July speech and fight with the ‘slavebreaker’ Covey, compels American audiences to acknowledge him as a fellow citizen by forcefully enacting a commitment to resist tyranny and oppression. The (...)
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    Rules and reasoning: essays in honour of Fred Schauer.Frederick F. Schauer & Linda Meyer (eds.) - 1999 - Portland, Or.: Hart.
    The essays in this volume are all concerned with the arguments about law as a system of rule-based decision-making,particularly the ideas advanced by legal philosopher Frederick Schauer. Schauer's work has not only helped revive interest in legal formalism but has also helped relocate arguments about the relationship between posited rules and morality. The contributors to this volume, themselves distinguished theorists, have concentrated on three aspects of Schauer's work: the nature of jurisprudential description; his theory of presumptive positivism; and the (...)
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  46. Deliberation and Emancipation: Some Critical Remarks.Philip Yaure - 2018 - Ethics 129 (1):8-38.
    This article draws on the antebellum political thought of Black abolitionists Frederick Douglass and Martin Delany in critically assessing the efficacy of reasonableness in advancing the aims of emancipatory politics in political discourse. I argue, through a reading of Douglass and Delany, that comporting oneself reasonably in the face of oppressive ideology can be counterproductive, if one’s aim is to undermine such ideology and the institutions it supports. Douglass and Delany, I argue, also provide us with a framework for (...)
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    Ethical Issues in Psychology.Philip Banyard & Cara Flanagan - 2011 - Routledge.
    How do we know right from wrong, good from bad, help from hindrance, and how can we judge the behaviour of others? Ethics are the rules and guidelines that we use to make such judgements. Often there are no clear answers, which make this subject both interesting and potentially frustrating. In this book, the authors offer readers the opportunity to develop and express their own opinions in relation to ethics in psychology. There are many psychological studies that appear to have (...)
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    Harry Collins, Are We All Scientific Experts Now? Cambridge: Polity Press, 2014. Pp. vi + 144. ISBN 978-0-7456-8204-4. £9.99. [REVIEW]Frederick Grinnell - 2015 - British Journal for the History of Science 48 (3):540-541.
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    Novels.Philip Roth - unknown
    Everywhere I go, I'm asked if I think the universities stifle writers. My opinion is that they don't stifle enough of them. ---Flannery O'Connor, Mystery and Manners, p. 84, as quoted by Frederick Crews, The Critics Bear it Away, pp. 143--144..
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    McShane's Puzzles: Apologia for Those Who Flunk Them.Frederick E. Crowe - 2003 - Journal of Macrodynamic Analysis 3:186-193.
    Philip McShane has had as one of his leisure specialties the provision of tantalising puzzles which are meant to provide samples of insight but sometimes, instead of promoting insight, reduce his readers to angry frustration. I will take as point of departure for my reflections a single puzzle Philip once presented on his own to some learned society – I forget which. Those present were invited to find the meaning of the letters SMTWTFS; when it was clear they (...)
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